Public Meeting of the Horsham District Older Peoples Forum
Wednesday 30th August 2023, 10.30 am Age UK, Lavinia House, Horsham & via Zoom
1. Introductions Martin Bruton, Chairman HDOPF
2. Guest Speakers
1) Tom Goodridge, Public Involvement Lead, NHS Sussex & Lucy Beaumont, Partnerships Officer Sussex Community NHS Charity have been asked to give us the latest updates and answer your questions on:
a. What is digital access to health services?
b. the new Integrated Care Services; virtual wards?; digital app library? GP appointments on Saturdays?
c. What are the new digital E-Consult GP services? Are they opening nationwide? Can you still see your local GP? Is it user-friendly for older people?
d. NHS updates i.e. Annual Covid booster with a Flu jab?
1) Linda Clinton, Roundabout Talking News on the free weekly audio newspaper for the visually impaired.
2) Martin Boffey – Leader, Horsham District Council – the plans for HDC
3. Discussion on any issues raised
4. A.O.B
Forum meetings for 2023 – in person at Lavinia House or via Zoom
2pm Wednesday 18th October (& AGM) – Katy Bourne Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
10 am Friday 1st December – MP Question Time with Jeremy Quin MP & guest speakers
