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It's our June public meeting!

There is so much happening both here at home and in the world. What concerns local older people? Are you, as an older person, worried about current events? The NHS? Access to your GP? Prescriptions? Pharmacy and bank closures? Pensions? Local Transport? Would you like to know other older people's views and questions? Join us to express your opinions and ask questions. (We are a non-political group).

This month's question and possible project

Do you use supermarket hand-held self-scanners to scan your shopping as you go to save time and get discounts? If not, would it be helpful to have a personal demonstration at your supermarket? Please let us know.

When & Where?

Our upcoming Horsham District Older Peoples Forum will be held at our current and popular venue, Age UK, Lavinia House, Dukes Square Horsham, at 10 am on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024. You may attend either in person or via Zoom.

Complimentary Tea & coffee.

Guest speakers

Sheri from Olive Tree Cancer Care;

Matt Roberts from Community Transport West Sussex has confirmed that he or one of his team will speak;

Phil Mockett HDC Community Link Alarms.

Please let us know if you intend to come along or would like to join us via ZOOM. We always enjoy our meetings, hearing your views and sharing information.

Are you or someone you know a mobility scooter user or thinking of getting one? Are you not sure if it's for you or someone you love and care for? Remember our free Mobility Scooter training Scheme.

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Приглашаем вас отдохнуть в уникальном уголке Крыма — Береговом, где теплое море и чистый воздух создают идеальные условия для восстановления сил и здоровья. Здесь вы сможете насладиться тишиной и красотой природы, провести время с пользой для здоровья. На Putevka вы найдете много вариантов санаториев с разнообразными услугами и комфортными номерами. Сервис позволяет легко сравнивать цены и условия размещения, выбирая оптимальный вариант для своего отдыха. Благодаря прозрачной системе бронирования и оперативной поддержке клиентов, ваш отпуск пройдет без лишних хлопот и волнений.

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